Ayala Mor

Pyramid (sold)

Who are we in our own pyramid? Where are we in the pyramid around us? Slaves or freedmen?
Every day is another brick…, and between the dusk and dawn, there is a moon time, a time when the bricks are connected with the clay of dreams. And we must make sure to make fine clay, and stick with it also rebellious bricks, because all these rebellious bricks are what make dreams even more challenging … and we should also keep a room for a future bricks will appear outside of our pyramid, which will sweeten our secret, advice and knowledge, so we can learn how to build the pyramid Of ourselves even better.
…And it’s important do not forget that the beneath bricks, those ones who sometimes move a little uncomfortably from the load of the years, the ones who complain about us from the inside, are our base(!), And that’s okay, they’re really allowed to complain sometimes …you just need remind them, that you are not perfect.

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